Waukesha County Snowmobile Association
Waukesha County Trails Are: Closed
We are currently prepping the trails for the 2024/25 season. Join a club and lend a hand.
IMPORTANT - Call the Snowmobile Hotline for up-to-date trail information - 414.299.0330

2024-26 Maps are now available
Thanks to all our map sponsors which include Rob's Performance Motorsports and Action Power Sports the 2024-26 trail map is now available. Get your map by contacting any of the WCSA's member clubs or at many of the area's power sports dealers, restaurants, and businesses that are on or near the snowmobile trail.
Each map sells for a $2 suggested donation. Your donations help make this trail system possible. Please remember to patronize all our map sponsors and thank them for supporting snowmobiling in Waukesha County. Some of the businesses on or near the trail provide parking to snowmobilers while you are on the trails. Be sure to check with them before you unload and keep this map with you throughout the season. When visiting one of our sponsors please let them know you saw their ad on our map regardless of when you visit them.
View our Waukesha County trail map online. It's clickable, downloadable and free.
Order your trail passes now!
Order passes online
A $10 (discounted from $30) annual Wisconsin trail pass will be available to people who currently belong to both a Wisconsin snowmobile club and the AWSC. The $10 Trail Pass will be available for each of your Wisconsin-registered snowmobiles.
Please include the WI registration numbers (Example SN 0101 BP) for the snowmobiles owned by your family; for example, husband, wife and children under the age of 19 when ordering.
For newly purchased snowmobiles with registration in progress, please call the AWSC office.
There are four ways you can get the $10 trail pass:
Order online through the AWSC website (www.awsc.org) with a credit/debit card (MasterCard, Visa or Discover).
Call the AWSC Office during business hours to order your WI Trail Pass with a credit/debit card.
Walk into the AWSC office during business hours and order with cash, check or credit/debit card.
Download this order form and mail your check or credit card information along with your order form to the AWSC office.
All trail pass stickers will be sent out by mail via the State. Stickers should be placed on the lower center of your windshield or the hood (if you change windshields).
The Wisconsin trail pass is $30 for snowmobilers who are not members of a snowmobile club and the Association of Wisconsin Snowmobile Clubs (AWSC). This pass may be ordered online through the DNR or purchased at any DNR license sales agent.
To become a club member view the list of snowmobile clubs in Waukesha County.
Waukesha County Trail Map
Cover Sponsors
The Waukesha county trail map is an effort that is organized and managed by WCSA. In doing so, WCSA is very appreciative of the support provided by our many advertisers and supporters.
To place an ad, please contact WCSA today.
Here are our Waukesha county trail map cover sponsors for the 2022- 24 seasons. When you visit any of our sponsors, please remember to thank them and let them know you saw their ad in the Waukesha County trail map.